FEATURES - Available
in vacuum trailer, vacuum truck, and skid mount configurations.
- Power by CAT®
– unmatched performance and reliability.
- Vacuum pump blowers by Gardner Denver®
– rugged and high performance.
- Premium silencer package – reduced noise complaints.
- Compact low profile – good visibility for your driver and stability in rough locations.
- Rugged construction the way a contractor needs it – heavy duty frames and largest axle
capacity in its class.
- Balanced design with optimum tongue weight – easy on your trucks.
- Reverse flow is standard – fast tank emptying, blow obstructions out of vacuum hose and
backflush the filters for quick-easy cleaning.
- Unique single handle door latch design
for easier, faster opening and closing.
- Patented Cyclo-Jet Potholing Excavator
available – The fastest, cleanest, easiest-to-use potholing equipment tool in its class – drill a 4 foot deep
hole in about a minute with a single operator.
IDEAL FOR: - Hydro Excavation. High pressure water and a
powerful vacuum make short work of tough jobs.
- Potholing test holes to locate underground
utilities quickly and safely.
- Keyholing (also known as utility microsurgery).
- Slot Trenching (narrow trenches for utility installation).
- Vacuum
Excavation. A powerful vacuum quickly cleans up a wide variety of spoil.
- Catch basin, collection/sediment
pit, storm drain, and valve box cleanup.
- Drilling fluid and mud cleanup.
- Sewer
Jetter, clear clogged sewer lines up to 10″ (25 cm) diameter.
- Construction site
- Environmental cleanup. Everything from flooded basements to hurricane aftermath
to oil spoils.
AVAILABLE FOR SALE & FOR RENT Please call (916) 372-9138 for further